Friday, May 27, 2016

'Twas the Night Before my Half Marathon...

Tomorrow morning at 8:15 I will begin running my third half marathon in my lifetime (and my second half marathon this year). 

I won't lie, I'm feeling a bit intimidated by this upcoming race, mainly because I am putting some pressure on myself to finish with a better time than my previous half marathons. 

This is also the first half marathon I have ever run "alone" (meaning that I am not running this race with any friends, I signed up on my own with the intention to train and run by myself). Don't get me wrong, I have a cheering squad coming with me to make sure I stay motivated (I always come armed with cheerleaders), but this is the first time I ever trained for a half marathon without a pal to commiserate with. 

It's a little scary to be doing this by myself. But also very liberating.

I can't predict how it will go tomorrow but even if I don't get a PR, I will still be proud of myself for giving it a shot. And if I don't beat my previous finish times this weekend, there's always the next half marathon. Because of course there is a next half marathon. There always is.

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